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With every meditation, a greater sense of  wellbeing arrives

Dinah has a unique ability to hold a group in a safe nurturing space, while allowing each individual to have their own experience and enjoy the process. I enjoyed coming together each week and being comfortable in our own homes to fully deepen into the new meditation each week

Meditation and mindfulness are for everyone and a regular practice leads towards a calmer, kinder, wiser and healthier self.


The practice of meditation and mindfulness provides numerous wellbeing benefits. The scientific evidence continues to gather and this eight week course is designed to help those who wish to become healthier and more efficient in their lives. It offers professional and proven methods to improve the quality of your life; whether that is decreasing stress, overcoming anxiety or creating greater clarity, energy and resilience. 


The techniques within the course have been passed down for centuries through the Rinzai tradition. A distinctive aspect of the the Rinzaitradition is that for hundreds of years,  the lineage has been teaching a secular meditation for wellbeing.

The course empowers individuals so they can practice effectively within an encouraging support network and practice deeply at home. It is taught by Dinah, who studied under Zen Master Daizan Roshi. She is a 400 hour meditation, mindfulness and yoga teacher accredited by Zenways, The International Mindfulness Teachers Association, The College of Mindful Clinicians and The Yoga Alliance. 




The course is accredited by the International Mindfulness Teachers Association and is, therefore, a globally-recognized credential in the field of mindfulness instruction. The course is not Buddhist, spiritual or religious and does not require you to be anything but curious to explore your own development.

Introducing the Zen Masters who have infused this course with their wisdom and experience. 


Shinzan Roshi

Born in 1935 in Niigata, Japan, he graduated from Doshisha University with a degree in Economics. In his twenties he failed in three business ventures, experiencing great hardships. Contemplating suicide, he was by chance transformed upon meeting a Zen nun. He was 31.

After completing his koan study, Shinzan Roshi took the unusual step of visiting every Zen Master in Japan seeking to test and deepen his insight.


Shinzan Roshi went on to found Zendo Kyodan (Zenways Sangha), a primarily lay-based Zen organisation dedicated to fostering true awakening in the modern world.


Daizan  Roshi

Julian Daizan Skinner is the first Englishman to go to Japan and become a Roshi or Zen Master in the rigorous Rinzai tradition of Zen. 


ver many years of strict training, in Japan and the west, Daizan Roshi received Dharma Transmission and permission to teach in both the Rinzai and Soto lineages of Zen. He has also undergone training as an enlightenment intensive master with Lawrence Noyes, leading student of the creator of enlightenment intensives, Charles Berner. Daizan Roshi received inka from Shinzan Miyamae Roshi of Gyokuryuji, with whom he continues to study

Together with his students, he has established, “Yugagyo Dojo”, a Zen training place in London. Daizan Roshi was teaching at The Buddhist Society, the oldest non-sectarian Buddhist Society in Europe, until his retirement from the post in December 2011.

8 week course outline

The eight week course is designed to help people to deal with every-day worries and strains, specifically to equip them with tools to better manage stress, anxiety, emotional pain and other modern living issues, and, ultimately, to achieve a greater sense of wellbeing and vitality. 


This course blends traditional Zen with secular scientific research. All the practices are very simple and incredibly effective and for this reason the course is highly practical. All the practices can easily be incorporated into dailylife. 



Week 1 | Orientation 

Introduction to the course and practicalities. What are meditation and mindfulness?



Week 2 | Stress

Introduction to the the concept of stress, itsimpact on our lives and what we   can do to reduce it to improve our wellbeing.



Week 3 | Physical Pain

With almost no exception, everybody willexperience physical pain in   their life. We explore how a meditative approach to physical pain can help us to deal   with it better.



Week 4  | Emotional stress, Anxiety and Depression

We explore how emotional responses  such as stress, anxietyand depression are rooted in the animal level of our being.   We discover how mindfulness is an effective way to deal with them.



Week 5 | Role Stress and Time Pressure

We look at how the many roles we may play in our   lives and time pressure can be a major source of stress. We explore what we are able   to do to better manage this.  



Week 6 |   Taking care of yourself

We explore how Mindfulness and meditation help us  develop awareness and resilience so that we can and want to cope better with life’s adversities. 



Week 7  | Elevated function

We explore how Meditation can take you further than stress-  proofing and preventing ill health on mental and physical levels; it can boost and  elevate the function of your body-mind beyond normal levels. We look at the   scientific research and continue to build on our meditation practice.



Week 8 |  Changing your life

Meditation and Mindfulness will help you live a longer life and   enhance your level of health and wellbeing. We discuss what we can we do to keep   going this way after the end of this course

Meditation Group

“I have attended both the Wellbeing and Insight courses run by Dinah and I have literally found them invaluable.These courses have helped me enormously to hold myself together and focus on the now where things are manageable rather than becoming hugely anxious about what may happen in the future.The result is, that being taught or coached by Dinah is both effective and pleasurable. . I cannot recommend Dinah highly enough if you want to make a positive change in your life! ”

— NT, Greece

Meditation Class

“I so enjoyed the meditation course. Just hearing Dinah’s voice made me feel instantly more relaxed. Doing regular meditation has helped me to become more aware of how I am feeling, in particular, if I am stressed or anxious. I hope that breathing through these feelings is helping me to handle them better and cope with situations I find challenging in a calmer way. Since the course has finished, I am still meditating every morning”

— GP, London

Copyright 2024 Dinah Sershi

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