Meditation recordings
Week 1 and 2 Bodyscan meditation
Week 3 and 4 Counting the Breath meditation
Week 3 and 4 Following the breath meditation
Week 7 and 8 Presence meditation
8 week course - Please note that there was an issue with the recording of week 1 so I have recorded it again without my class

An integrated approach to achieving your goals
I really feel more comfortable and more confident. We have such warm and reflecting conversations and our sessions really work. Thank you.

Optimising each area of your life for long term happiness and success
No amount of gaol setting or wishful thinking will help us achieve happiness and success if we neglect to consider each aspect of ourselves.
To truly optimise our life we need to look at our mental, physical and spiritual selves. Career success can feel empty if it is not rooted in purpose and authenticity. Financial success is diminished if health issues hinder our quality of life. Our deep need for connection is lost if we root ourselves entirely in our material lives.
To optimise our lives we have to have the courage to look within. And then with certainty set our goals, create a plan and work with consistency towards our future life with health, happiness and success at the heart of it.
My unique coaching approach provides you with the strategic and holistic tools and knowledge to address the challenges, remove the obstacles and create the vision and roadmaps that you can start to realise your ambitions.

The Coaching approach
If, after the discovery call, you decide you are ready, then we will arrange a series of six coaching sessions planned over a twelve week period so that you have the guidance, space and time to establish the habits which will support your success.
I will be with you every step of the way.