Meditation recordings
Week 1 and 2 Bodyscan meditation
Week 3 and 4 Counting the Breath meditation
Week 3 and 4 Following the breath meditation
Week 7 and 8 Presence meditation
8 week course - Please note that there was an issue with the recording of week 1 so I have recorded it again without my class

Rebalancing body and mind
I have suffered from quite severe anxiety since I was a child and I was introduced to kinesiology to help. All I can say is that it is magic and the results have been mind-blowing!
What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a holistic therapy which uses muscle response testing to measure the motor response of the central nervous system to a sensory challenge. By doing this, imbalances can be determined and methods to rebalance the body can be indicated.

My 12 year old son had some structural issues and dinah has helped him with this as well as a the emotional transition to secondary school. my sons comments after his first session: She rocks!

What happens during a Kinesiology session?
During the first session I will take a full medical and lifestyle history and work with you, with your consent, to identify and address your specific individual concerns and areas causing stress.
You remain fully clothed and assessments are made using gentle manual muscle response testing where I seek to identify imbalances which may be contributing to the client's loss of health and well-being, and ways to restore balance. I will ask you to place your arms, legs or head into specific positions and then apply a light pressure against the muscle that is being tested.
Based on biofeedback from the muscle test, you and I can identify exactly what is involved and devise a plan. Suggestions and advice may include incorporation of foods, nutritional supplements, relaxation and other techniques, lifestyle changes and more.
Many different factors affect and contribute to our health and well-being and using Kinesiology (manual muscle response testing) clients can be supported to come into better balance and achieve their optimum health and well-being.
You can read all you like about Kinesiology but there is no substitute for trying it yourself. You'll be amazed to see how it works. And, of course, you'll begin to feel the benefits.